All Gender Restrooms and Lactation Room

All Gender Restrooms

Harvey Mudd College has all neutral restrooms in the following locations:

  • Galileo basement
  • F.W. Olin Science Center, 2nd floor
  • Joseph B. Platt Campus Center, ground floor
  • Joseph B. Platt Campus Center, basement
  • Kingston Hall, 1st floor
  • Kingston Hall, 2nd floor
  • McGregor Computer Science Center, first floor
  • McGregor Computer Science Center, second floor
  • McGregor Computer Science Center, third floor
  • Parsons Engineering Building, 2nd floor
  • Shanahan Center, basement
  • Shanahan Center, 2nd floor
  • Sprague Memorial Building, 1st floor
  • Sprague Memorial Building, 2nd floor
  • Sprague Memorial Building, 3rd floor
  • Sprague Memorial Building, 5th floor

See also the gender neutral restrooms map (PDF)

Lactation Room

Harvey Mudd College has two formally designated lactation rooms. All nursing mothers have access to these locked, secure spaces; please request a key from in the Office of Facilities and Maintenance.

  • McGregor Computer Science Center, room 338
  • Platt Campus Center Basement, east side, basement level